Saturday, 1 March 2025
Saturday Photo: The Meeting of the Planets...
I didn't take the photo and it shows only Venus, but these evenings there has been a wondrous display of planets in the sky. The other night--when it wasn't snowing for once--I saw Venus, Jupiter and Mars as the sun was setting. Quite amazing, and this despite the city's lights.
Saturday, 22 February 2025
Saturday Photo: On the Right Path
So 11 days after the operation, I'm walking quite well with a walker, and even made it to the corner outside since the sidewalks have finally been cleared.
Spent a couple of hours in the kitchen doing whatnot, and now I think I'll take a nap....
Sunday, 9 February 2025
Saturday Photo: Not a Place to Break a Leg
It was cold Saturday morning at the Parc des Rapides de Lachine, and the going was treacherous. Last time we'd been there in the winter, the paths had been cleared but either they aren't doing that this year, or the recent winds had blown snow into ferocious piles.
I made it this far, leaning on my walking stick, but decided this was far enough. Going to have my right hip replaced on Tuesday after all. Would have been terrible to break a leg before hand.
Sunday, 2 February 2025
Saturday Photo: Down the Rapids toward a New Book...
Okay, the next step is taken! Friday morning I sent off the completed (but unedited) manuscript of my next book Thanks to the Memories: How Remembering Will Get Us through the Next 75 Years. Dundurn Press will publish this book about individual and collective memory a year from now. In the meantime here's one of the images that I'm suggesting for the finished product for reasons that will become clear as the book's production progresses.
Sunday, 26 January 2025
Saturday Photo: Ducks and Oil Sands This Wednesday
A heads up: the Atwater Library book group will be talking about Kate Beaton's graphic novel Ducks: Two Years in the Oil Sands at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 5. It will be a Zoom meeting, so register with Jason Grant-- --to get the link, which will be sent out shortly before the meeting.
The book, which won a slew of prizes after it came out in 2022, is more relevant than ever.
Sunday, 12 January 2025
Saturday Photo: Sun Trying to get There....
Cloudy weather, a little snow, not much sunshine...That's the way the year is starting here. Could be worse, could be smokey. ..
Sunday, 5 January 2025
Saturday Photo: The Kings Are Coming...It's Not Over Yet
Our holiday table still is set for friends to join us. In January you can't get enough good times....
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