Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Getting started...

Today is a day of rain and fog and warmish temperatures. I've been away a week in Vancouver and have returned to find the garden a riot of green. The only thing in bloom is the columbine, which are blue-purple stars in the back yard. The hostas are mammoth and must be trimmed or else the flowers growing within the beds they are edging will be smothered. In general I believe in Darwinian gardening--the survival of what survives--but there is a limit. This afternoon some judicious thinning is in order.

But this lushness shows just how much greenery can fit on a small lot. It is more evidence that our innate preference for green landscapes can be nicely accommodated in a dense urban setting.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

So nice to see your garden is overflowing. I love to look out over the early spring garden and see the various clumps of perennials starting their seasonal rounds. Emerging hostas are so much nicer than hostas in August, when they sprawl and flop all over the place. The lady's mantle is so much better behaved in early spring, as are the astilbe and the polygonatum.
Then the warm weather takes over, and the plants literally shoot up out of the ground and the expectant feeling of early spring is spoiled.
Never mind, each season has its advantages. At least we have blooms to look at as the season progresses. But nothing beats the promise of our early Montreal spring.