Wednesday, March 5, 2008

March Roars In: Maybe We'll Have a White Easter

Wednesday Quebec City received its 400th centimeter of snow this season, a fitting milestone in its 400th anniversary year. In Montreal we haven't had as much--only about three meters or something like 9.5 feet--but this is turning out to be a record-beating year.

I took the picture last Sunday, a beautiful mild day with blue skies and much sunshine. Lee had just finished cleaning up after the last snowfall, and the snow banks are nearly as tall as he is: you can get some idea when you realize that the fence is at least seven feet high.

Then it began to snow again, with an accumulation of about 20 cm and much wind. The drifts look to be knee deep, but I haven't gone out to check. If it weren't for the fact that we get our oil deliveries in back, I think I'd try to talk Lee into just letting things as they are until the thaw. It is early March, after all. Spring is only a little more than two weeks away!

1 comment:

Muzition said...

After doing much snow shovelling today, I finally managed to get into my own backyard.

We'll definitely have a white Easter. I wish Easter wasn't so early this year! They only sell creme eggs until Easter!