Saturday, April 5, 2008

Saturday Photo: Book Launches and Other Frivolity

If you guessed that the picture this week is of me, you're right. It was taken at one of the two book launches for The Violets of Usambara. We had a lot of fun, met many old friends, talked books and sold a few of them too.

Tomorrow I'm going to talk about Violets, its genesis, and the neighborhood in which part of it takes place at the Mile End Library, 3 p.m., 5424 Park, Montreal. The talk is sponsored by Mile End Memories, a local organization dedicated to preserving and celebrating the neighborhood's heritage. If you're around it would be lovely to meet you.

Photo courtesy of Muslim Harji


Martin Langeland said...

We had a lot of fun, met many old friends, talked books and sold a few of them too.
Speaking as a former bookstore owner, That is what these things are all about. Particularly the last bit.
May many many more fly out the door.

Mary Soderstrom said...

Thanks, Martin
