Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Serbia: Film to See, Situation to Watch

Last week we had the uncomfortable pleasure of seeing David Homel’s film about Belgrade and a psychiatrist who treats the souls of people damaged by the long conflict in the Balkans. Called Le Psy, la victime et le bourreau, in French and Is My Story Hurting You? in English, it focuses on Vladimir Jovic who has worked with people haunted by the civil war and its aftermath at IAN Center for Rehabilitation of Torture Victims.

The film has been shown several times before, but Lee and I were very pleased that we waited to this showing because Jovic was present, and there was a chance to discuss the film and the situation with him. The man has seen and heard much from the dark heart of humanity, and yet conveys great calm and strength. He has not given up on humanity or his country, although he expressed concern that elections will see the right wing nationalist parties returned to power. Glad to ssee that the "party of Europe" seems to have come out ahead.

Definitely a film to see, and a situation to watch.

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