Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Sad Day in Quebec Health Care: Former Minister Joins Private Health Investment Fund

Former Quebec Health Ministe Philippe Couillard has just announced he will join a private investment fund where he will advise on where to invest in health care. He resigned a couple of months ago, and at the time it was said a major reason was to provide money for the further education of his young family.

Couillard, a brilliant surgeon who left the active practice of medecine to enter politics specially so he could improve public health care, was, in the main, a defender of universal, free public health care. That political life doesn't make you any money if you're honest is a well known fact. How sad, though, that he seems poised to take part in the further privatization of the health system. And how ironic that the education system is already such a two tiered affair that man with aspirations for his kids feels he can't put them in public school or send them to a Canadian university.

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