Friday, September 19, 2008

Saturday Photo: Le petit dejeuner, Rue Mouffetard, and Sunday on the Seine

The first copies of The Walkable City: From Haussmann's Boulevards to Jane Jacobs' Streets and Beyond arrived from the printer on Thursday, to my great delight. Since a good portion of the book talks about Paris, and in particular the Fifth and Thirteenth districts, it seems only fitting to include a couple of pictures today. The first was taken on a Saturday morning last May when Mouffetard was filling up with shoppers and locals enjoying a nice spring day. The second was taken the next day, Sunday, when the high speed roadway along the Seine is turned over to non-motorized traffic.

If there ever was a walkable city Paris is it! What great memories we have of it, too--just the thing to pull out and enjoy when times are tough.

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