Monday, December 15, 2008

And Now for a Musical Interlude: The Kind of Thing Radio Two Should Be Playing Much More

A marvelous concert last night: The Studio de musique ancienne de Montréal performed some polyphonic music from 16th and 17th century Rome. Its 16 singers, supported by organ, cello, harp and bass (all period instruments, I think) sounded as heavenly as the angels they were singing about. A real treat.

The concert was being recorded, although there was no mention in the program that it would be broadcast at some future date. It definitely should. This is the kind of music that appeals to a wide public, from the dedicated early music aficionado to New Age mystics who are into hypnotic sound. Let’s hear more of it on Radio Two and Espace Musique.:

But as we know, talking about the appeal of serious music to CBC/Radio Canada brass is like talking to the wind. In the meantime, some of the music from last night can be heard on SMAM’s most recent CD, Roma Triumphans from ATMA. Definitely something to think when you’re making your Christmas list.

1 comment:

Martin Langeland said...

As the rule was in our youth: Never trust anyone over thirty.
After all, they are the ones who own rock 'n roll.