Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Need to Have the Sidewalks Plowed If You Want a Walkable City

There were two people on bikes this morning when I went out, but I'm sure they're not going to ride home this afternoon. The much-heralded snow has come (my cousin in Arizona was wondering earlier this week at all the snow in Flagstaff, presumably from the same weather system) and the only bike I saw out just now was one being pushed.

The guy on cross country skis was doing much better, gliding down Laurier: "Got to take advantage of it," he said as he passed. Then he turned onto what in milder weather is the bicycle path, while I slogged along. Things were worse on our street--the middle had been plowed but the sidewalks hadn't. Bah! Humbug!

But I must admit it looks rather pretty...


lagatta à montréal said...

I hauled my poor old bicycle up two flights of stairs; she is sitting forlorn in the corridor. She had run several last-minute errands.

Hate winter. Do I have enough toilet paper until tomorrow? Forgot it during my errands. I may have to go out (there is a pharmacy around the corner). Hate it. Bah!

Mary Soderstrom said...

Oh, but Maria, it is so lovely this morning! Give me snow, particularly a day or two after its fallen and the sidewalks are cleared, over rain any day!
