Friday, January 1, 2010

A Bonbon for the New Year: Chico Buarque Sings A Valsinha

A lovely Brazilian waltz to celebrate the New Year. The pictures are of young folk, but I think it applies to older ones too. You'll find my English translation below which doesn't rhyme, but maybe gives an idea...

A Valsinha

One day he took a different path from his usual one
He saw her and looked at her in way that wasn't his usual one, a glance full of fire,
And he didn't curse life as he usually did
And didn't simply pass her on the corner, but to her surprise, he invited her to dance

And then she made herself lovely in a way she hadn't done in a long time
Putting on her low-necked dress that smelled as if it had been waiting in a closet for a long time too,
Then they took each other's arm in a way neither had tried in a long time, full of kindness and grace,
And then they went to the park and embraced.

And there they danced with such beauty and passion that the whole neighbourhood was awakened,
And there was so much happiness that the whole town lit up;
And there were so many crazy kisses
So many intense cries that hadn't been heard for ages...
That the world understood
And the day arrived
In peace

1 comment:

lagatta à montréal said...

I was going to say what a lovely tropical prelude this was to Das Neujahrskonzert der Wiener Philharmoniker but alas Espace-Musique seems to have played only excerpts - the concert is already over after less than an hour! No narration either.

Very peeved. But trying to put a bright face on it.