Thursday, July 8, 2010

This Morning Straight from India: Lime Soda

Work continues on Making Waves, so this post will be brief--but interesting.

Kim Reine and Boaz Berney, friends of Elin's who have become our friends too, have returned to India for a few weeks. They're both musicians and lovers of off-the-beaten track travel. During their last trip two years ago they visited Kerala, which I fell in love with when researching Green City. I followed their travel avidly on their blog Lime Soda, and was overjoyed this morning to find that Boaz had posted a notice on FaceBook that they'd resumed their chronicles. Here's a taste:

"While debating whether or not to come to India, we reminisced about all the things we missed about it. While trying to let practicality reign, we also came up with a list of all the things we weren't as fond of. Neither list was short, but we will share some of the highlights with you.
We will start with the smells. For everyone, India is an olfactory adventure, it's just that not everyone likes it. Landing in Mumbai, your nose is hit by the undeniable presence of the world's largest slum. We don't want to know what exactly it is, but for us this smell says "welcome to Mumbai". What we dearly missed is the way the streets smell when you go out for your breakfast first thing in the morning - a combination of incense, cooking fires and great food, with dark undertones of open sewage, rotting banana leaves and diesel fumes. It's a unique mix, and believe us, we really did miss it."

For more, click here. Their posts from their previous trip are worth reading too, as are the handful of dispatches they've posted since they moved to Montreal about a year ago.

Photos by Boaz Berney and Kimberly Reine.

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