Thursday, August 26, 2010

Good Excuse Not to Have a Long Post: Elin and Emmanuel's Daughter Arrives.

Not much of a post today because Jeanne Élisabeth Mary Nivon arrived at 8:45 a.m. after 41 weeks and four days of gestation. She's little and perky, and her parents are doing well. It was a long story that ended well with a normal birth.

I ended up spending the last eight hours with them, and so had the privilege of being there when Jeanne was born. There's something to be said for being an observer and not a participant!

There will be photos soon.


lagatta said...

Sounds like a happy week, between a new granddaughter and a new book cover (though book gestation is not quite over). What a long hospital stay - hope not all of that was labour. Well, all's well that ends well, and I'm glad all seem to be doing fine.

Unknown said...

Félicitations aux parents (et aux nouveaux grands-parents) pour ce grand evenement!

Mary, voilà quelques jours que je vérifie assidument votre blogue, sachant que ce serait sans doute le premier endroit où serait diffusée cette belle nouvelle!

Je me réjouis de rencontrer bientôt la petite Jeanne! Meilleurs voeux à vous tous et bises,

Mary Soderstrom said...

Maria, thanks for your good wishes, and Ève, je vais imprimer ton commentaire pour qu'ils puisssent le voir tout de suite. J'imagine qu'ils ne mettent pas immédiatement à l'ordi dès leur retour à la maison !