Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Peter Stoffer Listens to His Constituents: Bravo!

It was with great delight last night that I heard the news that Peter Stoffer had announced he would vote against the private member's bill which would do away with the long gun registry. A large majority of his constituents are opposed to the abolition, he said, and so, even though he still is not in favour of it, he will follow their wishes.

Bravo for him!

A couple of weeks ago I tried to get an email writing campaign going to the 12 NDP MPs who had voted in favour of abolition in the spring. Stoffer, alone among the dozen, took the time to call me, and explained his long-standing opposition. It was a nice gesture, but I thanked him and told him that I thought he was wrong. In subsequent waves of emails, I didn't even contact him, so adamant had he been.

But obviously this is a man who listens to the people in his riding, and they didn't agree with him. Takes courage to change your position in a case like this, and I congratulate him.

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