Saturday, February 26, 2011

Saturday Photo: First Skating Lesson

Skating is something that every Canadian youngster ought to learn to do, especially if there is natural ice in a park nearby. This Satuday morning saw a Mom and four or five year old trying out skates for what seemed the first time in Jeanne Mance Park on the eastern slopes of Mount Royal. The stroller is good on ice, and Mom could walk along, encouraging her older child.

But life is full of ups and downs, and at the beginning skating often seems more down than up. I'm happy to report that after a little knee-shuffling, our future Gold Medalist got up and made it a good 3 meters without falling.

Here's a link to another skating story, from Sarah Gilbert's Milendings blog. Just goes to show you what you can do when you put your mind to it, even making a private rink in the miniscule backyards of central Montreal.

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