Monday, April 25, 2011

Haven't Made Up Your Mind How to Vote? Here's a Good Tool to Help You Decide How to Beat Harper

This was sent along by an NDP friend, Lise St-Denis. It's Project Democracy, a site where you can see which candidate is likely to beat the Conservatives in next Monday's elections in your riding. Where there's no chance of an upset you're advised to vote your conscience.

Example: in Vancouver Kingsway, the site advises: "Liberal/Conservative David Emerson is not running and the general Liberal upheaval in 2008 has begun a new ball game in this riding. NDP Don Davies won with almost 3,000 votes ahead of the Liberals, but the Conservatives were close behind. Notwithstanding incumbency, it is hard to call it a safe NDP seat, and the most recent polling indicates a NDP-Liberal race. We will monitor this riding and make a recommendation if it looks like vote-splitting could accidentally help Harper. Please check sign up to our list and/or check back again." The prediction Monday morning: NDP, 16,600; Libs, 14,000; and Cons, 10,600.

Lise, herself, is running for the NDP in St. Maurice-Champlain which, the site says, "has historically been a secure Bloc riding, but Conservative support doubled between 2004 and 2006. With Conservative support dropping in Quebec, the riding should be safe. Vote your preference, but check back to be sure. " The prediction Monday was for the BQ to get 16,000 and Lise for the NDP, to get about 11,000 with the Cons behind at about 9,ooo.

In Okanagon-Coquihalla where our friends John and Barbara Yellowlees are campaigning for the Liberal John Kidder and the NPD candidate Dave Finnis is a fine man, the advice is: "A Conservative stronghold. Even with Conservative Stockwell Day retiring from politics it is difficult to see this riding switching to Liberal or NDP. Vote your preference." The site Monday morning gave the Conservative 27,000 votes to the NDP's 9,000 and the Libs, 7,000.

In Outremont where NDP Deputy Leader Thomas Mulcair is running for a third mandate against former MP Martin Cauchon, the site show the NDP way out in front, the site advises voting your preferene too--and of course, I'd say Mulcair is the way to go.

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