Thursday, June 9, 2011

Plant Perennials: They Come up Even When You Neglect Them.

There are many varieties of columbine or Aquilegia, as it is known botanically. This lovely flower is a descendant of a couple of plants I bought about ten years ago, and which has naturalized in our small garden.

This spring the joys of perennial plants like columbine have become evident for us. Before our fire Nov. 30, I had more or less put the garden to rest for the winter. Since then I have done nothing, except pull up a few weeds or too-agressive violets. Yet from early spring, flowers have arrived in their usual order, brightening our spirits each time we visit the house and its oh-so-slow rehabilitation. They are sort of a visualization of the idea that hope springs eternal.....

1 comment:

kim said...

Lovely shot Mary. The garden marks time with or without us. It must be comforting to known that the garden has been able to look after itself while you deal with putting your home back together after the fire. Good luck with the renos, I hope they move faster over the summer.