Thursday, September 15, 2011

Wedding Dresses as an Anti-Poverty Aid: Nicolas Kristof Tells How

One of the things that came back from storage/cleaning after the fire was my wedding dress. Much to small now, of course, and neither my daughter nor daughter-in-law have any use for it now. So the question I've been mulling: what to do with it?

This morning Nicolas Kristof has a great column about microsaving and microfinance in Kenya, focussing on a former prostitute with three children who now has successfully become a dress maker. She uses fancy dresses she finds in the markets in Nairobi to cut down in order to make new dresses. Kristof says she (and probably others) can use what we may have hanging in our closets, so I may put sentiment behind me and send my dress to Kenya!

Kristoff's blog also has an link to an interesting list of aid groups that seem to be working on the ground.

Photo: yes, that's me, several decades and about 15 pounds lighter.

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