Saturday, October 22, 2011

Saturday Photo: From Zen to Wild Victorian on the Plateau

Sometimes the whole is different from the sum of its parts. In this case, the occupants of the first floor of this triplex from the end of the 19th century have turned their tiny front garden into a Zen-inspired oasis in the city.

But step back a bit and you see how the garden is only one part of a stylish reworking of the building. And step across the street and you'll see how wild the owners really are.

The colours aren't as anachronistic as you might think, however. One of the things that give the impression that the 19th century was restrained is the fact that photographs were all black and white. Not only were clothes bright with newly created dyes, but flower beds tended toward the garish as gardeners experimented with newly available varieties of dahlias, zinias and marigolds. That's a topic for another day, though.

1 comment:

Martin Langeland said...

One of the accomplishments of the cross fertilization of the industrial revolution with reformation inspired religions was a switch in gender colors. Prior to the arrival of the mills, pink was eminently suitable for robust boys, while blue was usually given to girls. The mill owners made their cloth in white and black. So men became sober. The Dutch, shrewd traders, made garish calicoes for trade to Africa. Your house is therefore quite believable as authentic. And how delightful! Thank you.