Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Harper Government Pulls out of Kyoto: Time to Get Serious about Who Should be the Leader of the Opposition

This morning there is only one question for anyone in the NDP:

Who will be the best leader to unite the left and leftish, not just in the party but across the country?

We need a very strong opposition in Ottawa led someone who has weight both in Quebec and elsewhere. As far as I can see, the one person is Thomas Mulcair. Brian Topp, whom I've known for years and admire for his many qualities, is a great strategist. The party needs him more than ever, not as leader, but as the chess player, the guy who has the big picture in his head. The consummate back room boy, in the best sense of the term.

1 comment:

ck said...

I'm inclined to agree with you here. He's not my favourite person by any stretch of the imagination (my heart of hearts prefers Peggy Nash), but then, I'm an anybody but Harper kinda person. At this point, I'm looking at what's needed. Out of the group of nine, Mulcair has the experience. He has the chops to fight Harper and his attack ad machine. That will be of utmost importance, come campaign time. He doesn't strike me as afraid to get in Harper's face and that is exactly what is needed. I am not convinced that taking the high road, playing the gentleman to Harper works. Just ask Stephane Dion. Or ask John Kerry how well that worked for him fighting GW Bush.

I do, however, have one concern about Mulcair--he isn't a household name in the rest of Canada. I'm of the opinion, those are the folks he needs to convince, particularly in vote-rich BC.

I also have another view. Many are concerned about them holding onto Quebec, given that more than half of its' caucus is in La Belle Province and such. This view has validity, for right now. I, on the other hand, look toward the future. They need to start looking more like a Pan-Canadian party and start concerning themselves more with the RoC. Let's take a look.

For openers, when we take out Quebec, they only had a net gain of 8 seats when we factor in 2 losses--Tony Martin in Ontario and Jim Maloway in Manitoba. They need to find a leader who can appeal to Ontario and the west--particularly Ontario and BC, and if at all possible, perhaps Alberta, although, I may be dreaming in technocolour here. You see, Bill C-20, is it? The bill to add those 30 seats, mainly in Alberta, Ontario and BC. It will pass, as we all know. It's not a bill that I see as democratic reform, not when it's passed by Harper. No, I see a lot of gerrymandering that will go on--Harper and the Conservatives will redraw that electoral map to their advantage. This means the opposition parties will really have their work cut out for them. This is exactly why the NDP or even the Liberals, for that matter (I'm actually pro-merger these days, actually; I have concerns about both parties being able to fight Harper on their own)must start looking toward the west.

Again, as I've mentioned, it will take more than a strong leader--it will take someone with experience, a take charge attitude and someone not afraid to fight back directly. I believe that is Mulcair.