Thursday, April 5, 2012

April Used to Be the Smelliest Month in Montreal...

Sometimes things improve, believe it or not. One of them is the way that people here, at least, pick up their dog poo now. It used to be that when the snow melted, five or six months worth of dog were uncovered, ready to fester in the spring sunlight. Walking down a residential street was enough to make you gag until either a heavy spring rain washed to waste away, or property owners got fed up and cleaned the mess up.

But that's not the norm any more. Some boroughs have fined heedless dog owners, but I think the change also comes from people being just a bit more ecologically aware.

The New York Times has an intersting story about a dog poop composting project in a park in Ithaca, N.Y. Seems that dogs visiting Allan H. Treman State Marine Park produced 12 tons of poop over 18 months, which owners put in biodegradable bags for composting. The result wasn't a stink but two truck loads of pathogen-free compost, good for flower and vegetable beds.

Here's video that tells you how to do it on your own:

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