Saturday, July 14, 2012

Saturday Photo: A Pile of Wood

Lee, after more than a year of post-fire tribulations, is back in business as a furniture maker.  He had to spend 8 months away from his work shop while the house was repaired, and the following months were busy with redoing what had been done poorly.

He still has a number of mainteance projects underway, but he has been able lately to turn his attention a bit toward his great love: fine furniture.  He finished up benches that had been in the works when the fire happened, and now has gone on to planning a chest of drawers/changing table for Lukas and Sophie's baby, due in early September.

He made one in yellow birch for Jeanne, which has been most useful and is also extremely lovely.  Sophie and Lukas chose cherry wood, and that is what you see in the photo, taken last March when it was sitting the basement, acclimatizing.  Now, after a couple of weeks of planing, he's got the sides ready level and ready to glue up.  Progress is being made, thanks goodness!

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