Saturday, December 22, 2012

Saturday Photo: Christmas Tree 2012

So this is Christmas...  or at least the Christmas tree as it looked when the gang finished putting it up last Saturday.  There are some presents under it now, to which will be added quite a few more, I expect, before Tuesday morning.

The reasons we put the tree up last weekend was so that Sophie and I could make pickled herring, which requires at least a week to marinate for optimal eating.  But, as it turns out, we made the right call: Jeanne, who usually comes over to play with us on Saturday while Elin teaches here, is home with a cough and Lee is dragging around with a fountain for a nose.  Much better for all of us to rest and not share microbes so we'll be in fine form for the holiday itself.

Hope your end of year festivities are shaping up well.

1 comment:

Martin Langeland said...

All beef Soderstrom Sausage was delightful on Solstice Thank you again.