Monday, April 22, 2013

Croissants: Now, That's the Way to Start the Day

Looks like a missed something delicious on the weekend: a dozen bakeries in the Montreal area were celebrating the croissant. 

The lovely, light bun was one of my first discovery in Montreal, because when we came here, croissants were just about unknown on the West Coast.  Now you can find them in plastic sacks in any big supermarket, but the delight of a buttery, flakey freshly baked one is something else entirely.

According to Le Devoir, the croissant has its origins in the dying days of the Ottoman Empire .  A pastry cook in Vienna  whipped them up when a sack of coffee bearing the Turkish creecent  was left behind by the fleeing Turks.  Marie Antoinette brought them with her to Frence--was her cry of "Let them eat cake" really "Let them eat croissants."

Whatever, I love them, and I know where you can get the best ones--just around the corner from us at the Croissanterie Figaro.  Here's what it looks like on nice mornings from mid-May until the snow flies.

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