Monday, October 14, 2013

Saturday Photo: Getting Ready for Thanksgiving at Jean Talon Market

Spent most of Saturday and all of Sunday either preparing for and eating our annual Thanksgiving feast.

For maybe 12 years we've had friends and family over for a buffet that is always a lot of fun.  We do turkey, some side dishes and a reserve dessert, and everyone brings something they'd like to share.  As the years have past the kids have grown up, new ones have been born and the rest of us had become, ahem!, more mature. 

The big surprise this year was  Jake, who was two at the first of these dinners and now is the size of a line backer.  Our Thomas was last year's baby, and now he cruises around, looking for interesting things to do.  This year's baby, the little brother of Sivan who has the baby two years ago, is still in the  hospital, but he was well represented by other members of the family. 

And the new addition to the table was over-roasted field tomatoes with garlic, oregon and basil. Don't know why I didn't think of doing them before: delicious!

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