Sunday, September 28, 2014

Saturday Photo: Making Honey While the Sun Shines

This weekend has been an absolute gift.  After several days of cold, the temperature rose last week, and this weekend we had some of the nicest days of the summer, even though summer is officially over.

Friday evening Jeanne was over and she and Lee went to the neighborhood park after supper.  They stayed until dark--which was about 7 p.m.  Quite a change from mid summer when the evenings seemed to stretch out forever.  But there was a special charm to having sun-dress and sandal weather when the leaves have begun to turn colour.

The big hydrangeas have been blooming for several weeks, and the bees have been enjoying their nectar.  Despite the fact that our pears appear not to have been pollinated in May, there are many bees around, including several new hives hidden away in some abandoned spaces.  Nice to see the little creatures hard at work in such lovely weather.

1 comment:

lagatta à montréal said...

It was an absolutely splendid weekend. Spent most of both days cycling around, including a look at the improvements in Plateau parks (Carré St-Louis, Parc Lahaie, and Parc Baldwin in the east). Lahaie has a beautiful piazza/plaza aspect now, in front of the baroque church, with a new fountain (not yet functional; probably only in the spring.

I did also do quite a bit of hand-washing though; woollens, scarves, "dainty" garments.

Indeed it will be getting dark tomorrow evening when I return from Catherine Trautmann's talk on Strasbourg urbanism; must remember to take extra bicycle lights!