Saturday, May 2, 2015

Saturday Photo: To Ope Their Trunks The Tree Are Never Seen...

How then to they put on their robes of green?

Those are the words of a song  I learned in fourth grade.  Can't find where it comes from, but I always think of it this time of year.  The temperature has shot up to 23 C (around 71 F) and you can pracically see the leaves growing.  Quite amazing!


lagatta à montréal said...

The maple outside my home office is so green that it makes even this miserable cold day tolerable. We need rain, but I was hoping for a warm green one. Still, there are hardy cyclists taking the cycle paths in to work.

Report your local pothole(s)!

Penney Kome said...

To ope their trunks, the trees are never seen...
Mary Walter mentioned this song today, so I looked it up.
Happy April! Penney