Saturday, January 2, 2016

Saturday Photo: Sil, or Pickled Herring

As the holiday season ebbs, we have begun once again to eat sil, or Swedish pickled herring.  Our consumption was interrupted by bouts of stomach flu or some such.  Seems there's a nasty version going around: Lukas and family had it two weeks ago, Jeanne the week following and this week Lee and I succumbed.  This meant that the sil I made from 20 salt herring got pushed to the back of the refrigerator, as I cooked and we ate rice.

Thankfully that seems past and now we can take up where we left off a week ago, eating delicious things.  So tonight there will be sill and rye crisp bread on the table, beer to go with them, and the prospect of a nice white wine for the endives wrapped in ham and smothered in béchamel.

Oh, how I love to eat!  It's so nice to feel good!


lagatta à montréal said...

Oh, how I love fish! I've had pickled fish dishes, but not that particular one. I made only fish and seafood dishes for the holiday guests.

I came across this review of a beautifully-illustrated children's book about a Cree girl whose mother is among the MMIW: It is in the BANQ catalogue, but not in Nelligan.

Bonne année, and good health to your family.

Mary Soderstrom said...

And happy 2016 to you too.