Saturday, June 9, 2018

Saturday Photo: Cars...

Woke up about 2 a.m. to the sound of cars racing.  This is Grand Prix weekend and the town is full of wannabes who are driving muscle cars too fast.  I suspect they were racing down Park Avenue which at the hour is usually deserted. 

It was a moment when you listen, almost hopefully, for a crash.

Cars are useful.  But like fire, they need to be controlled.  I'm a born-again pedestrian and I definitely could do without so much vehicular traffic on our streets.

But last year, this lovingly decorated oldie caught my eye.  Don't know if you could race it.  Probably not, thank goodness.  Somebody, however, thought a lot of it. 

The exception that proves the rule that cars are a pox on civilization?


lagatta à montréal said...

Well, we have that weekend, and although I wax nostalgic about the tiny postwar Fiat 500s here in Petite-Italie, and am happy that there is a Tesla club, there is far too much carcentric action for my taste.

Of course cars were a useful invention (ambulances, etc) but a terribly misused one, in terms of planning and sustainable transport.

Much preferred seeing the appearance of some fresh local produce at Jean-Talon market.

lagatta à montréal said...

by the way, every weekend, I've been listening to Ici Musique (Radio-Canada 2), even putting it on very softly when I can't sleep. Better to listen to the classics, and some old French song, than obsess about the news all the time, when it has become utterly insane.