Saturday, February 9, 2019

Saturday Photo: Natural Valentine

A couple of years ago I found these lovely leaves cascading down the side of a garage.  Nice to see that Nature loves a Valentine too.

So please tell those  around you whom you love that you love them today, as well as on Thursday!

1 comment:

lagatta à montréal said...

Yes, I'll be sure to tell the plants I love them, from the ficus tree to the smallest cactus, as well as Livia the wee black cat, obviously.

Saint-Valentin is one of the worst days to go out to dinner... However, it is the time when the sun really re-emerges. There are more sunny spots and Livia as well as Fatima, the downstairs neighbour's almost identical small black she-cat, were sunning themselves as I returned from errands before the big snow.