Saturday, April 13, 2019

Saturday Photo: What a Difference a Day Makes...

Crazy week:  freezing rain that left 200,000 people north of Montreal without power for a couple of days, followed by a quick thaw and Spring!

The first photo was taken in Mount Royal Cemetery on Wednesday, and the second the next day just down the hill on Côte Ste-Catherine road.

There were more disturbing reports on climate change too.  Canada is warming twice as fast as the rest of the world, it seems, and there isn't much we can do about it...except try to prepare for weather extremes.

Temperature at the moment in Montreal:  13 C.  Time to think about work in the garden?


lagatta à montréal said...

Wonderful. Our co-op's garden is in heavy shade, so it is still early to start cleaning it. I wish there were some way to prevent people throwing stuff out in other people's front yards though. Junk food packets and goblets, Cigs and cig packs. Dog cr*p. At least the thugs with pit bulls have moved away though.

This event looks very interesting: Oui dans ma cour! Yimby!

lagatta à montréal said...

The conference is expensive though. Probably at least part of it will be available online afterwards.