Saturday, September 21, 2019

Saturday Photo: Lesson from Spiders

Don't know much about spiders but I think this time of year they are very busy, spinning webs, capturing prey, and setting up a cozy home for the next generation.

Of course, whoever spun this wonderful web may have a bit of problem with the last part of that charge.  Certainly as soon as the car starts, the web will be blown away.  But it's an example of the perseverance that we all need to make it through this life.  And that's something to remember as the kids demonstrate for action on climate change.

Memo to self: check out the stories of Charlotte and Robert the Bruce for more lessons from spiders.


lagatta à montréal said...

Dear Mary, I can no longer access twitter. A fascist anti-environmentalist made a complaint against me after I told her to fuck off after many hateful twits against Greta and other young environmentalists. Perhaps not very polite, but i made NO THREAT AGAINST HER.

Unfortunately, Twitter doesn't recognise my phone number, although I've had it for at least 30 years, so there is no way to rectify the situation. Just a warning that they can do anything against us. So I can't tweet any more. Guess it is bye bye.

Mary Soderstrom said...

This is the pits. Don't know what to do about it. Perhaps I'll send out a message on Twitter and FB for suggestions. Going to be gone for a couple of days though, so unlikely to have any suggestions before Wednesday.