Saturday, December 21, 2019

Saturday Photo: Natural Trees....

This photo shows why I chose this tree for a Christmas tree:  the pine cones.

Of course, I wasn't the only one doing the choosing, but nobody objected to what seems to me this delightful bit of nature.

We've always bought natural trees, which the David Suzuki Foundation says are more environmentally friendly than artificial ones, particularly when they're bought from local producers. 

The city of Montreal will pick them up for composting on Monday, Jan.13, 2020 in our neighborhood, which also is pretty good too. 

1 comment:

lagatta à montréal said...

Of course. The artificial ones are just wads of plastic. In our borough too, they are recycled. As the only human in our flat, I don't have one - there are several large plants in my home office and my kitchen - the rooms with enough light.