Saturday, March 14, 2020

Saturday Photo: Ice, Snow and Coronavirus

We spent a wonderful few days in Quebec City this week.  The trip had been planned some time in advance, but I think we lucked out since Covid-19 was weighing much more heavily by the time we got home.

Our plan had been to go see the Frida Kahlo/Diego Rivera show at the Musée de beaux arts du Québec. 
(For the moment it's open as usual, although the principle show has too much Frido and not enough Diego for our taste.  The  museum itself is really terrific though: definitely worth a trip.)

Tuesday there was freezing rain all day: at the end of the day I had icicles hanging from the brim of my hat by the time we walked from to the museum to our B&B.  But on Wednesday, the sun was out and the landscape was absolutely transformed.  A real winter wonderland...

Of course, viruses in principle don't die in the cold, but apparently being outside isn't forbidden during this difficult time.  An epidemiologist noted yesterday that when you're outside skiiing, skating or just playing in the snow you're well covered and should present no danger  to yourself or others--only just stay out of ski chalets etc...

Given that the schools and daycares around here are closed for at least the next two weeks, I expect we'll be lending a hand with the grandkids, including doing some outside activities: the idea of spending two weeks inside with them is a little daunting!

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