Saturday, June 20, 2020

Saturday Photo: Water Games and Rainbows...

The kids around here early in this crazy pandemic time began making rainbows to put in windows with the legend Ça va bien aller" which means It's going to be all right.  Quite a nice sentiment, and one which I suspect encouraged a lot of young ones who may have been frightened by their parents' anxiety if nothing else.

Well, it hasn't been all right for a lot of people, but things are looking up.  The parks are open and with them the splash pads/jeux d'eau that lots of kids love.  The other morning when it already was stifling I came upon a young family playing in the water even though it was before 9 a.m.  Lots of fun, but also the sun hit the spray of water at just the right angle to make this lovely rainbow.  Enough to make you smile, if not enough to convince you that everything will be all right.

1 comment:

lagatta à montréal said...

Yes, there is one at the little park in the next block north of rue St-Dominique, named for Sister Madeleine Gagnon (not the poet by that name) who founded la Maisonette des parents. (Across St-Laurent from Parc de la Petite-Italie). Lots of young families there every day.