Saturday, September 26, 2020

Saturday Photo: Golden Rod, One Thing That Shines in These Dark Times

The golden rod has been blooming around here for several weeks.  In fact, in some places it's actually well past its prime, and is looking a little faded.  But this morning I found this bunch just as the sun began to shine on it.  Somewhere there are a few bees buzzing around, although I couldn't get close enough to catch them in action.

 We are heading in the wrong direction when it comes to Covid-19, and the political situation in the US is pretty grim.  I keep looking for hopeful signs, and while these plants have absolutely not impact on the state of the world, they made me smile this morning, which is not a bad thing. 

1 comment:

lagatta à montréal said...

Yes, pretty grim down there, but I was heartened by the huge NYT story today. AOC was right to focus on the $750 tax bill rather than the goose eggs, as it is so much easier to compare to the taxes ordinary working people have to pay.

Very depressing Covid situation, and I've been borderline anorexic for at least a month. (This has NEVER happened in my rather long life). Happy to lose some stubborn weight, but most unhealthy otherwise.

There are quite a few late-season flowers and other plants around here. I took a path I didn't know from the north-west corner of the Carmelite convent's grounds (behind a high stone wall) towards the Mile-end-east workplaces, and it was astonishingly lovely. Then I walked home through the viaduc pedestrian/cyclist passage.