Saturday, July 10, 2021

Saturday Photo: Wayward Grass....

 The view at the Technoparc last Sunday: grasses and clouds and birds.  There was a time that we did a lo of bird-watching, but kids and dogs got in the way.  Now that we have neither in the house, we've gone back to a little low key bird-watching, which has led to the discovery of a number of interesting places that we wouldn't have visited otherwise.

The Technoparc is a a parcel of land that some would like to develop but which so far has lain fallow.  It's tucked right up next to Trudeau airport, which would at first glance seem to be not the best place for a bird santuary.  What's more, there must have been times in the not to distant past when parts of the ponds were partially drained for some kind of project.  But at the moment, the 215 hectares are a refuge for a wealth of bird life.  Some animals also call it home: we saw a lot of rabbits last week, so many that I wonder if the ecosystem couldn't use a fox or two.

The grass and reeds are as tall as I am right now, and the mosquitos are as big as my fist--no, that's an exaggeration included only to warn the wary. Great space to spend a few hours on a Sunday morning.


lagatta à montréal said...

Thank you for your tweet comment about the neglgience (involving concrete and doubtless other planning errors) at the Surfside condos. Alas, hardly the only example.

Here there is a lot of noise as everyone has become Italian, doubtless celebrating some return to normal life more than the Euro cup penalties win...

Mary Soderstrom said...

Missed seeing your comment, some how. Must have been pretty noisy in your 'hood!

Enjoy the nice weather.
