Sunday, November 7, 2021

Saturday Photo: Puget Sound Storm, and My Book

 Going into the home stretch with my book Against the Seas: Saving Civilizations from Rising Oceans.  Spent some time yesterday looking for images, and came across this painting by Alfred Beirstadt done in 1870.  Seems the artist had not yet traveled to the Pacific Coast, and painted it from descriptions of the area.  Still it seems strangely evocative of bad weather, which is what we're all going to experience in the coming decades if we don't get serious about climate change.

1 comment:

lagatta à montréal said...

Very evocative of a storm at the seashore, but the trees aren't accurate for the Raincoast from Oregon to BC! I doubt he'd anticipate strong heatwaves and lethal wildfires in that region.