Saturday, May 7, 2022

Saturday Photo: It's in Bloom.....

 Until this spring I've killed all the orchids that have passed through our doorway.  Can grow a lot of other things, particularly those from dry and mild places like lantana, plulmbago, jade plant, and Christmas cactus.  But I always murdered orchids for reasons I amonly vaguely aware of.

However, about18 months ago I took up the challenge, bought a healthy and blooming plant, and then tried several methods.  Didn't write them down, so I can't really say what worked, but something did.

The plant began blooming this week, and I'm hoping we'll have a couple of months of blooms.  Yay!!

1 comment:

lagatta à montréal said...

Densification vs sprawl is very much a hot issue here in Québec now.

Unfortunately I can't seem to access twitter. Probably because I don't have a smartphone, so they can't read my phone number.

Always enjoying your blog

lagatta in Montréal and her actual gatta, Livia (small black cat and worthy successor to Renzo, who lived to 20 1/2...)