Saturday, 30 December 2023
Saturday, 23 December 2023
Saturday Photo: Stars...
Here's a link to my Christmas blog, in which there is much about stars...including the sun.
Sunday, 17 December 2023
Saturday Photo: Ice Doesn't Reflect
Maybe you knew this, but I didn't. Ice doesn't reflect the same way that waer does.
This morning at the Lachine Rapids, it was chilly and windy, but the terempuerature was above freezing. Nevertheless, there was a thin layer of ice on part of the pond, enough to support a few gulls, and to interfere with the reflections of the trees surrounding it.
There is a message there, I'm sure, but it's been a busy couple of days and I can't entertain any weighty thoughts at all... It's like my brain as is frozen as that still portion of pond.
Sunday, 10 December 2023
Saturday Photo: Winter Wonderland
Great snow for sledding this week. A shame it is raining now, but for a while the kids (most of whose teachers are on strike) had a lot of opportunity for playing outside.
Sunday, 3 December 2023
Saturday Photo: Winter Flowers
One of the sadder things about winter here is the disappearance of flowers. After the leaves have changed colour and fallen off the trees, the world is much drabber. And if the snow has not fallen, there's not even the splendour of sunlight on a white landscape with a blue sky as a backdrop.
Except...except people fight back with flowers in windows. These geraniums were peeking out from a window in le Vieux Québec the last time we were there. A brave and cheering sight.
Thursday, 30 November 2023
Saturday Photo: Good for 500 Years?
Where Canada keeps its memories: Took a trip to Gatineau to lend a hand during the current teachers' strike, but I also visited the Preservation facility of the Library and Archives of Canada. Couldn't see inside, but very impressive outside. The aim is to shelter both hard copy and digital records and documents for 500 years. @dundurnpress
Sunday, 19 November 2023
Saturday Photo: Visit to the Reserve
A little outing Friday to the Musée des Abénakis in Odanak on the St-François river. Very interesting, and afterwards lunch at Café Masko.
Saturday, 11 November 2023
Saturday Photo: Early Snow...
Snow this week, the second flurry of the year. My birthday is November 8, and last year was the first year since I arrived in Montreal decades ago that it hadn't snowed before then. This year, as if to make up for its tardy appearance in 2022, we had snow on the ground October 30 and again on Nov. 9. Gone now, but there are still leaves on the trees even though it's kind of cold.
Sunday, 5 November 2023
Saturday Photo: Showing off at Concordia...
Great fun at the Read Quebec Book Fair. Got to show off my books and talk to some interesting follks. The event was held both Friday and Saturday in the gorgeous atrium of the J.W. McConnell building at Concordia University
Saturday, 28 October 2023
Saturday Photo: A Forests of Light

Saturday, 21 October 2023
Saturday Photo: And a Cardinal in a Grape Vine
Well, you can't see it, but this week a female cardinal visited our grape vine several mornings to feast on the wild grapes growing there.
It was a bad year for pears in out little garden--only three after the squirrels got to them--but the grape vine, which is a volunteer one growing out of our compost heap, had lots of grapes.
They aren't very good to eat because they don't have much flesh, the seeds are big, and the taste is sour. But obviously that hasn't stopped the cardinals from feasting.
That we have cardinals at all in the backyard is something new, and probably the result of climate change. Twenty years ago they were a rare sight in the neighborhood but now are rather frequent visitors.
I have, as you might imagine, mixed feelings about this. Nice to see the birds, but not happy about what their presence indicates.
Sunday, 15 October 2023
Saturday Photo: More Than the Squirrels Can Eat
Saturday, 7 October 2023
Saturday Photo: Thanksgiving Greetings from Montreal
Happy Thanksgiving weekend, everyone. It's raining here--and much needed--but this is the way I like to think of fall. It's a good moment to stop and reflect on all one has...
Thursday, 5 October 2023
Just in Case You Wondered What I've Been Reading...
I've been asked by a couple of websites that gives suggestions for reading to create a list or two.
Here's the one on BookList:
Sunday, 1 October 2023
Saturday Photo: Asters to Finish up the Summer
This has been an unusually fine year for certain flowers around here. Early on there was clover everywhere, in every lawn, reminding everyone that plain grass is just that: pretty plain. Now as the summer fades away with unusually warm temperatures, native asters have come into their glory. I have encouraged them for years in my little centre city garden, but I'm glad to see that they've spread, and now dot many other gardens. Took a drive out of the city today, and saw billows of them.
Sunday, 24 September 2023
Saturday, 16 September 2023
Saturday Photo: More Permanent Housing
This wasp nest suddenly appeared this week. Wasn't there on Monday, I'm sure, but it was looming like a malevalent piñata on Thursday. Wasps are really amazing in the way they can build a very sturdy shelter in no time at all.
But it's gone. After a call to the borough, a crew came and took it down. I didn't see that happen, but I admire the moxie that it must take to wrangle with wasps.
Of course, the beasties have a right to live among us, but just not close that our worlds collide. Saw another nest this morning about a block away: wonder if they just moved house...
Saturday, 9 September 2023
Saturday Photo: Temporary Housing?
The nest would appear to be in good shape, so I hope that it was home to a successful family of birdlings this summer. Would that it were so easy to house the many folks who these days are having a hard time finding a place to stay. (Almost said "keeping a roof over their heads," but looks like the only "roof" was Mom or Dad's body during the nesting time.)
Saturday, 2 September 2023
Saturday Photos: Hotline, a Very Good Novel Now Available in Audio and Ebook Formats
Saturday, 26 August 2023
Saturday Photo: The Battle of the Invasives
Here are three invasive plants duking it out at Montreal's Technoparc. The tall grass is Phragmites australis, which sets up shop at the edge of waterways as does the purple loosestrife at the bottom of the photo. In between is golden rod, which is a native plant and which is not really considered invasive in Canada, although in Europe and Asia it is.
Will be interesting to see if one of these species dominates the others. I'd like to think that the goldenrod will triumph, but we'll see.
Saturday, 19 August 2023
Saturday Photo: Not a Bumper Crop But Good News Anyway
This is the sum total of my harvest this year-two small pears. It is a far cry from years when my two trees produced more than the squirrels could eat. But I'm not displeased because the trees were badly affected by fireblight last year, a nasty fungus disease that you can't get rid of and can only hope that the tree resists.
A few branches seem to be affected this year, but nothing like before, so perhaps next year the trees--now well over 40 years old--will again provide us with some succulent pears.
Saturday, 5 August 2023
Saturday Photo: Not Mr. McGregor's Garden...
Despite Beatrice Potter and the Tale of Peter Rabbit, the beasties don't seem to like gardens in my part of the city. Racoons, skunks and squirrels, yes. Ditto the occasional marmot. But I think rabbits likea more unkempted landscape, or one that has only been wrested from wildness (or re-wildness)
Elin reports that thre have been rabbit sightings in Cité Angus, which has only recently been built on an old brownscape that had got pretty overgrown. Wonder how long they'll last...
Sunday, 30 July 2023
Saturday Photo: When the Sun's Not Out, At Least There Are These
Sunday, 23 July 2023
Saturday Photo: Host of Hostas....
The result is a host of hostas all around. This last week the ones in the sun have been a their peak, while the ones in the shade are striving to catch up. What a great flower--holds its own again invasives, will survive even if not watered well, and for a couple of weeks in mid-summer it flowers are showy and abundant.
Saturday, 15 July 2023
Saturday Photo: This Is a Good Year for Clover
Don't know why this is, but the lawns around here are full of clover this summer. Not only people's patches of grass but also the wide sweeps of lawn that many parks feature are studded at the moment with millions of white clover flowers.
Clover is good for the soil, as its roots carry nitrogen-fixing bacteria. It is resistant to traffic, and when in bloom it is very pretty. Therefore seeing it in abundance does the spirit good.
Has the clover always been there, but has been mowed before it flowers? Could be that the chat about how it's good to wait to mow in order to leave flowers for bees early in the season when there are not too many things in bloom has had an effect.
Don't know, but like the trend....
Monday, 10 July 2023
Saturday Photo: None, Because We Were Playing...
Taking a break this week because our youngest grandchild came for a visit. Lots of activity, and no time to think blog.
Saturday, 1 July 2023
Saturday Photo: No Sun Today, But At Least These Yellow Flowers
In this summer of smoke, I suppose we should be thankful for a showery, overcast day. The rain will clar the air of some of the smoke from the fires in Northern Quebec, but things look pretty gloomy this afternoon. At least the yellow speedwell is in bloom, and is enough to lift the spirit with its yellow brilliance.
Saturday, 24 June 2023
Saturday Photo: Why the Quebec Flag Isn't Flying Chez Nous This Year
En français, of course.
Cette année je ne sorte pas mon drapeau de Québec pour la Fête nationale, que j'ai affiché sur mon balcon depuis 30 ans. Pour quoi ? Parce que je suis profondément déçue par le gouvernement actuel qui semble d'avoir l'appui de la grande majorité des Québé
Par le passé, j'avais chicané avec des voisins anglophones au sujet de mon drapeau. J'ai insisté que la fête n'est pas pour seulement les « Québécois de souche. » Nous avons choisi le Québec, pour, entre autres raisons, son projet social qui accueillait le monde.
Mais les lois 21 et 96 ainsi que les propos sur les immigrants des ministres du gouvernement caquistes nient à ce progressisme du passé. Cette année je mangerais des bonnes fraises du Québec, je jaserais avec mes voisins et amis en français, mais rien d'autre.
Saturday, 17 June 2023
Saturday Photo: In Case You Wondered about the Origin of the Word...
The daisies were in bloom last Sunday at Montreal's Technoparc and along Highway 50 between Montreal and Gatineau.
The English name comes from "dægesege, formerly dæges eage, meaning “day’s eye,” because the petals of some species of daisy open at dawn and close at dusk.
"For the same reason, in Medieval Latin, a common term for daisy was solis oculus, meaning “sun’s eye.”
They're cheerful, whatever they are called, which is a very good thing in these days of trial.
Saturday, 10 June 2023
Saturday Photo: A Nap after Breakfast, You Silly Goose!
They're kind of hard to see, but here's Mama Goose and four babies who are resting after eating what seemed to be a delicious breakfast. Summer is here!
Saturday, 3 June 2023
Monday, 29 May 2023
Saturday, 20 May 2023
Saturday Photo: The Morning of Maximum Beauty
There are some springs when you hit it just right, and this is one of them. The many crabapples in Mount Royal Cemetery were at the peak of their glory this morning. So glad I took a walk there.
Saturday, 13 May 2023
Saturday Photo: The Optimal Lawn
Violets are taking over our neighbourhood! Or so it looks this spring. Fifteen years ago or so therewere hardly any: I rustled some from up the street and planted them in our front yard. Perhaps others did similar things, because now most lawns are full of thm and one street over there are some glorious examples of what can happen when you don't cosset grass.
Undoubtedly as good for pollinators as lawns like this are good for the eye!
Saturday, 6 May 2023
Saturday Photo: Spring Is on Its Way...
Last Sunday at the Lachine Rapids, despite the rain, it looked like spring would arrive soon. The sun is out now, and the temperature is going up, so it looks like last week's promise is being fulfilled.
Saturday, 29 April 2023
Saturday Photo: Standing Room Only at Book Launch
Had a great turnout for the launch of Against the Seas: Saving Civilizations from Rising Waters last Sunday. It was raining very hard, but a very nice crowd of friends and people interested in climate change turned up!
Saturday, 22 April 2023
Saturday Photo: Early April Morning
The sun is rising about 6 a.m., so it was well up in the sky when we went out this morning. Nevertheless the combination of tree, clouds and ghostly sun a pleasing, I think.
Going to rain soon...
Do April showers really bring May flowers?
Saturday, 15 April 2023
Saturday Photo: Bixis are Back
Saturday, 1 April 2023
Saturday Photo: Everybody out on a Springtime Sabbath
Scene from Parc Outremont: the end of the snow, sunshine and walkers of all sorts out on a Saturday afternoon. Pretty nice....
Sunday, 26 March 2023
Saturday Photo: Lonely Bench Waiting for Spring
Despite a little snow last night, it's clear that spring is on its way. Not least is the fact that benches in parks are now appearing as snow banks melt. This poor, lonely bench seems marooned in frozen water, not even attractive enough for someone slogging through the snowy park along a desire line to stop and rest a moment.
That will change in the next little bit. Haven't seen any robins yet, but yesterday at the Lachine Rapids the first red winged blackbirds were chirping and buzzing to claim territory for the upcoming season of avian passion.
Saturday, 18 March 2023
Saturday Photo: Snow Drops, or (more appropriately) des Perces neiges..
Spring arrives next week, but the snow is receding and the first snowdrops (called perce-neige in French) have come up. A sure sign of spring...
Sunday, 12 March 2023
Saturday Photo: Sledding as the Winter Ends
Sunday, 5 March 2023
Saturday Photo: March 1, the Day the Sun Starts Shining in the Bedroom...
Actually the photo was taken a couple of years ago, but I'm pleased to report that this March 1 also saw the first forray of the sun into our upstairs back bedroom.
By the solstice there will be several hours of sunshine in this room, but during the winter there is none. Instead, we have this Stonehenge-like moment on about the first day of the meterological spring.
Sunday, 26 February 2023
Saturday Photo: The Flowers of Winter
Outside snow still covers the ground, although the days are getting longer. Inside that translates into several house plants taking a cue from lengthening daylight and setting forth blooms.
An anthurium that had been in a north window has taken the plunge and sent out blossoms. Nice to see this time of year.
Saturday, 18 February 2023
Saturday Photo: Sunburned Knees from Last Summer
Summer evening at Sept Iles, sunshine and sunburned knees for the old guy. A nice memory of a good trip, something to think about as the days begin to grow longer.
Saturday, 11 February 2023
Saturday Photo: Desire Lines in the Snow
People don't walk in straight lines, even though sidewalks and roads may try to make them. Uneven ground, small obstacles and even the vagaries on one's gait mean that the paths we take wobble a bit at the best of times. When getting from here to there is the issue, this means that cutting across a patch of grass or snow will likely not be at right angles to anything.
Urbanists and architects call these paths "desire lines" since they show exaclty where we want to go. Nowhere is that clearer than in snow that's been on the ground for a few days, giving folks a chance to make their own paths. Pity the person who went first: given the depth of the snow it woud have bee a slog. At the time the photo was taken though folks' desires had manifested themselves in a well-trodden track.
Saturday, 4 February 2023
Saturday Photo: Baby, It's Cold Outside
After a winter that so far has been warmer than usual, we are in the deep freeze. Windows were frosted over this morning. Glad I was inside and not out...
Saturday, 28 January 2023
Saturday Photo: An Afternoon in the Park...
Neighborhood park are great things, and we are lucky to have three nearby. They're used by local daycares and schools too--and not just in the summer time.
This group of kids (from the daycare which our children attended decades ago) were doing all the kinds of things they'd do in the park in the summer, only instead of grass to play, they have snow. Easier to build things with, softer when you fall too. It's great that snow suits are as warm as they are: it's rare that you see a kid who has not flung off his or her mittens who is crying with cold because the material the snowsuit is made of is so warm! Luck us!
Saturday, 21 January 2023
Saturday Photo: Zamboni on the Loose
The photo's not the best, but it makes me smile anyway. After a spell of terrible warm weather, winter has returned, and while it's not really cold, it's cold enough to go skating outside. There are year's when this pond is not cleared for skating, but this year the powers that be have decided to do so. That's a portable ice-making machine sweeping around it. Good fun for the kids!
Saturday, 14 January 2023
Saturday Photo: The First Books Arrive....
We are going to have to learn to live with rising waters. Doing so will require some changes in the way we build our cities and live our lives.