Monday, October 13, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving, and Let's Get the Good Guys to Out Vote

It's Thanksgiving Day in Canada and we are recovering from our Thanksgiving dinner yesterday. About 30 people ranging age from 14 months to 83 years--a great pleasure to see so many friends and family. We did the turkey, chicken, a Vegan chili and some vegies and everyone else brought a great variety of delicious things. The coup de théâtre came when Emmanuel, Elin's cojoint, carved the turkey on a movable cart next to the buffet table. White or dark, as you liked it. Great fun!

And today, once everything is put away, the task is help Tom Mulcair win this election.

Enjoy the holiday, and figure out who you should vote for in order to stop Harper. The news this morning had Elizabeth May of the Greens telling her supporters to vote for her only where an opposition canidate was out of the running: in other words, anybody but Harper.

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