Monday, October 20, 2008

A Little Levity to Start the Week: The World's First Stand-up Economist

Who said economics was the dismal science? David Ricardo, actually, but he’s been dead since 1823 so what does he know.

Yoram Bauman, who bills himself as the world’s first stand-up economist, definitely does not agree with Ricardo, either. Bauman has some serious credentials. His bio says that he “has a BA in mathematics from Reed College, a PhD in economics from the University of Washington, and spends his non-comedy hours teaching in the UW environmental studies program and researching the economics of climate change. He has authored or co-authored three books (Tax Shift, Quantum Microeconomics, and Quantum Microeconomics with Calculus) as well as articles in popular and scholarly publications.”

But just as importantly he is an extremely funny guy who sends up some of the economic theories which have brought us to the current world wide economic mess. Check out his “Principles of Economics, Translated” if you’ve been wondering what lies behind it all. A sample on the reliability of economic forecasting: “Economists have predicted nine of the last five recessions.”

Just what we need these days.

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