Saturday, February 13, 2010

Saturday Photo: Heart-Shaped Leaves and Valentine Wishes

I posted about these lovely heart-shaped leaves last fall, and now that Valentine's Day is just a few hours away, I thought I'd share greetings with you which feature them.


lagatta à montréal said...

My cat Renzo, who is sunning himself atop an antique sewing machine in a sunny window, surrounded by a philidendron that does have heart-shaped leaves and a jade plant that doesn't but is very nice just the same, reminds us that tomorrow is not ONLY Valentine's Day. It is also the Lunar New Year in China, Vietnam and several other Asian countries. And it is the beginning of the year of the TIGER!

So we'll remember the need to protect the remaining tigers, and to appreciate cats large and small.

So happy Valentine Tiger!

Northern Beauty Seeker said...

So sweet. They look like rosary beads. Time to count our blessings :)

Have a wonderful Valentines weekend.