The ship and its men were among the last to fish off the Grand Banks under sail. The very last went out in 1973, when factory ships had begun vacuuming up cod with the results we know now.
But don't underestimate the determination of the Portuguese: a group of dedicated mariners have been working for the last few years to refit the Santa Maria Manuela, and last weekend it took to the sea. António reports that there will be a big celebration next week to mark the return of the ship:
"I am son and grandson of dory fishermen, and most of my comunity, Caxinas, has a deep past in it. I try to be involved in everything related to this piece of portuguese past, researching and colecting everything I find....
"The schooner "Santa Maria Manuela" will have it´s official start of a new life this next 10th of May, with a great ceremony in Gafanha da Nazaré. I and many others feel so good seeing this ship reborn.. My grandfather did 9 years of codfishing in "Santa Maria Manuela", from 1952-1960 and previously 6 in a wooden schooner..."
He adds, politely: "I hope your work on "Making Waves: The Portuguese Adventure" goes well and with fair winds." (Whole comment here)
Thank you very much. Muito obrigada.
Photo from the official Santa Maria Manuela website.
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