Thursday, May 3, 2012

Jane's Walks Coming up This Weekend: Learning about Neighborhoods One Step at a Time

The series of walks given all over the world in honour of urbanist Jane Jacobs are coming up this weekend.  In past years I've given a couple: last year it was a tour of Montreal's Bairro Português where we were living post-fire.  The neighborhood is one which Jacobs would have loved, where walkable streets mean a high quality of urban life.

This year I'm not going to give one but it seems that another aspect of that part of town will be features.  The walk, to be given on Sunday, May 6 in French, will explore a part of town that dates back to the late 19th century by following a road originally tramped out by workers going to a big quarry.  The gathering place, funnily enough, is the corner where we were living last year: Henri-Julien and Mont-Royal. 

Definitely worth checking out. Kudos to Mile End Memories for leading it. 

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