Tuesday, May 29, 2012

The Walkable City Still Has Legs

Last weekend  friends from San Francisco were in town and we spent hours walking around Montreal.  It's always a pleasure to have out of town guests because you do and see things that you don't ordinarily do in your hometown.

We ended up walking from the Old Port to our place.  It took about four hours--we won no races, certainly!--but  the advantages of compact urban spaces were clearly evident.  Our friends had spent much time in Paris, and we shared stories of the joys of that marvelously walkable city.

Then this morning I came across a blog about my book The Walkable City: From Haussmann's Boulevards to Jane Jacobs' Streets and Beyond.   Even though the book was published several years ago, it remains relevant, it seems!

1 comment:

Muzition said...

I always enjoy walking around Montreal (well, usually - maybe I wouldn't've enjoyed it in yesterday's flood-like conditions. ;)

One time I walked from Place d'Armes metro to the mountain, then up the mountain. Then I took a bus to Mont-Royal station and walked from there to Point-St-Charles. 11 kilometres!