For years I've had two hibiscus bushes that have bloomed perhaps a half dozen times when the conditions were just right. I put them outside in the summer, but even then blooms are rare. This year, however, things are different. They've spent four months in their usual vacation place, in our shady little patch of front garden, and in the past few weeks they've been blooming. At the moment, they have three flowers (I couldn't get them all in the photo) with a few more buds still to go.
Two things may account for this. First, I did put some composted manure on them in early August, because their roots had begun to show, but I've done that before with no real results.
The second factor is more important I think: for the first time ever I've kept them outside well in October, and the light coming through the overhanging tree branches is lower and more intense.
Is this one of the upsides of global warming? Will we have other falls where the temperatures match or exceed those of July and August? No idea, of course, although the prospect of climate change gives me chills. What I will do is bring the plants in next week, before the frost which is forecast for Monday night. In the meantime I'll enjoy the blossosm.