Work on replacing lead water pipes leading into our 116 year old house continues. Ten days ago the city replaced the ones on its side of the property line because a leak had developed. This week we completed the work by replacing those going into the house.
All seems well--except that during the time that a hole was open in the foundation to allow the water pipe to be changed, a pesky critter entered, it seems.

About twilight, a mouse skittered across the kitchen floor, apparently having come upstairs from the basement. Drat! We've had them in the fall when a door was inadvertently left open and one of them, seeking a warm place to pass the winter, decided to move in. But this is the first time in the spring. Have traps set all over: such a nuisance!
And as you can see, the front garden is pretty well trashed. This weekend I'll bring out some big house plants and place them strategically, but the effect is not going to be the usual! The other photo is of bee balm that most years is quite nice, but I think it has been trashed. Well, gardens are always a work in progress...
Should I lend you my wee Livia? She's a very good mouser.
Too bad about your front garden.
Thanks for the suggestion about Livia. I think we may have chased the critter out of the house yesterday with a combination of open doors and sonic blasts. But I'll let you know if that doesn't work...:)
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