Saturday, August 15, 2020

Saturday Photo: Black Lives Matter in Outremont

The part of Montreal where we live was designed more than 100 years ago as a garden suburb, sort of.  Today it is home to a mixed population that includes some folks who are pretty well off. 

Nevertheless, we came across this window sign this week on one of the tonier residences.  Nice to see!

1 comment:

lagatta à montréal said...

I'm trying to work in an element about black cat appreciation without it being belittling to Black humans for my poster. As you know, black cats have been horribly persecuted during the witch hunts and even more recently.

August 17th was Black Cat Appreciation Day this year, and I happened to be taking Livia to the vet's, for her vaccines. She has a fine bill of health!

I want to work in a portrait of Marielle Franco who was a woman of colour born and raised in a favela, representing a radical left party on the Rio city council, and also a lesbian/bisexual. Everything to inspire the hatred of the Evil One of the South. Bolsonaro's entourage is strongly suspected, especially one of his sons (they are as evil as Trump's trophy-hunting sons)