Saturday, August 8, 2020

Saturday Photo: Closest I Get to Religion...

Had an interesting conversation this week with one of my Hassidic neighbours about life, death, and Covid 19.  She lost a brother, 62, to the disease early on in the epidemic, and since then she and her family have been very careful.

Once again I extended my condolences and our conversation drifted toward doing good, etc.  At the end I quoted my paternal grandfather who used to say "the Lord helps those who help themselves."

She nodded, and then asked me if we go to church.  She knows we don't I'm pretty sure but I had to say that, no, we didn't but that I think it's important to know what religion is and what religions teach.  Told her the story about how our son was the last person baptized at a nearby church before it was deconsecrated: he was 11 and the church was 90 something.

Then later on  I came upon this graffiti.  It's about as close I get to any kind of religious thought.  Don't know if I completely agree, even then.  Worth thinking about on this fine summer morning, though.


lagatta à montréal said...

I've seen a few of those graffiti on the Mile-End end of our railway cyclst/pedestrian corridor. Jordan Peterson is a women-hating pig.

Mary Soderstrom said...

Who is Jordan Peterson?

lagatta à montréal said...

A Toronto academic who is a woman-hating pig.

I'd say sacred rather than holy (I'm a devout atheist) but I do agree about the sacrosanct nature of life. While Livia (small black cat) wants to be fed, cuddled and safe.