Thursday, August 18, 2011

For the Record: The Gazette Says No to Making the Armed Forces "Royal"

The Montreal English language daily The Gazette fell all over itself welcoming William and Kate, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge a few weeks ago, so you might think it would also be wowed by the idea of reintroducing "royal" into the names of Canada's air force and navy. But that's not the case.

"Surely there is no need for adding the term "royal" to make Canada's servicemen and women stand a little taller, as MacKay put it. The country owes its armed services a debt of gratitude that should be paid in decent wages and solid support, not the currency of nostalgia," the newspaper editorialized today.

Not the reasoning I'd give, but I'm glad to see another voice raised against the change.


susansmith said...

At the end of the day, "decent wages" is an excellent response to waste of $$$ to make the name changes on everything. How stupid is that?

susansmith said...

oh, and let's not forget the vets here - I'm sure if given the choice of getting better Vet services and supports or this "royal" makeover, they'd opt for sure for the former, don't you think? dah